
Garmin Index S2 Smart Scales 

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Get a more holistic view of your health using the Index S2 smart scale. Track your progress toward your goals with accuratemeasurements for weight, weight trend, body fat percentage, BMI, skeletal muscle mass and more. Seamlessly sync with the Garmin Connect™ app via Wi-Fi connectivity to see your data, get trend graphs, view multiple daily weights and more alongside your other wellness information. The app also lets you customisethe data you see when you step on the scale. Create up to 16 unique user profiles to track individual stats and progress.

Key Features

In-Depth Metrics
Hi-Res Display and Updated Design
Weather Forecast
Multiple Daily Weigh-Ins
Connect Wirelessly1
Sync with the Garmin Connect app via Wi-Fi connectivity to see your data
Up to 16 user profiles allow multiple daily weigh-ins and unique goal tracking for each user
Battery Life Up to 9 months; uses 4 AAA batteries(included)